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The first wave of Four Souls absolution, a put together expansion led by myself but mainly made by some amazing people. So far all added content is to expand on the Repentance DLC and a small hint of something Fiendish.


Art by

  • Myself a.k.a. Pixelo

Effects & editing by

  • David Rainbowie

Effects by

  • Bob
  • Honeyfox
  • Sipher
  • Bustin
  • Doctor_Papnic
  • Duollahan
  • Dupsy
  • Flamingboy
  • Peas
  • Ruddy
  • Sevenut

Special thanks to:

  • Oilyspoily
  • This Guy
  • Plupa

The future plan is to release more waves of content although that mainly depends on how i'll end up feeling. Untill then have fun with this thing.

Four Souls Absolution @ Steam Workshop

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