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AD Rapture Remastered [Wave 2]

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Ad Rapture Remastered is a fanmade remake of the expansion pack by CupertinoEffect, rebalancing, overhauling and making the cards printable as well as fit with modern sets.

When completed the set will have:

  • 3 characters
  • 70+ loot
  • 60+ monsters
  • 130+ treasure

Wave 2 content:

  • 3 characters
  • 42 loot
  • 7 monsters
  • 112 treasure
  • 4 bonus cards

Ad Rapture was created by CupertinoEffect, with art by CupertinoEffect, Spooky Kinzie and Maddy Salgado. And special thanks to yatboim, the creator of Mei, and Ghostbroster, the creator of Samael.

Ad Rapture Remastered is created by Explodingturtles456 and Pachio. Character cards created by Rankochan. Special thanks to David Rainbowie, Rachel, and Sir Volt for balancing and formatting tips.

We hope you enjoy Ad Rapture Remastered !

Source: Four Souls: Ad Rapture @ Steam Workshop

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