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Bleedzone Expansion

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This massive expansion contains nearly 400 print-ready, vanilla-friendly Four Souls cards, with the loose theming of "cut content" and adding as many items, monsters and loot as possible left out in the card game.

  • Play as Edith and use her Salt Shaker to modify dice rolls made by yourself or others, or choose her Tainted form, The Begrudged, and become more powerful the more souls you collect. Be careful, as attaining such power comes with a price...
  • Change up the game by introducing new Bonus Souls. Soul of Shirk shakes up your bartering skills, while Clutch's Curse turns the table into a very bloody game of reverse hot potato.
  • Experience Blessings, obtain powerful Planetarium items, take advantage of Rune Rooms and so much more.

Keep track of every single card in the expansion by taking a visit to the very neatly organized Bleedzone Card List, maintained by David Rainbowie.

Many people contributed to the development of this pack. A full list of credits can be found on the "Thanks for Playing!" extra card.

Feedback is appreciated, but keep in mind that the cards may not be updated unless absolutely necessary.

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