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Chaos Collection Sampler

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Can't get enough Warp Zone-style crossover cards? Still mad that all Celeste got officially was a Bonus Soul? Just looking to take a chance on some cards with more out-there ideas? Have I got the Booster Pack for you.

This is a small hand-picked subset of cards from Four Souls: The Chaos Collection, prepped for physical play in a vanilla-friendly environment.

This booster pack includes:

  • 4 characters
  • 7 Loot cards
  • 7 Treasure cards
  • 7 Monster cards
  • 6 Room cards

All art used is either generic clipart or sourced from the various IPs upon which the cards are based (Celeste, Danganronpa, Dweller's Empty Path, Freedom Planet, Furi, Hypno's Lullaby, LISA: The Painful RPG, Return of the Obra Dinn, Settlers of Catan, Shovel Knight, Sinistar, Spelunky, VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action). Please support the official releases.

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