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Dwarves & Dragons

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"I am the eternal dragon. Speak your wish so I may grant it.

"I wish there was a Four Souls pack containing cards referencing Dragon Ball, Deep Rock Galactic, Dungeons & Dragons, and more!"

"Your wish has been granted."

Have you ever wanted to explore the depths of Hoxes as Son Goku wielding a Ukulele, searching for the Dragon Balls to summon Shenron, to make your own wish? Well with the Dwarves and Dragons booster pack, you can! This pack contains cards from Dragon Ball Z, Deep Rock Galactic, Dungeons and Dragons, Risk of Rain, and more! I plan to add more in the future, adding cards from other anime and games.

This set contains:

  • 13 Characters
  • 24 Loot
  • 13 Monsters
  • 9 Rooms
  • 18 Treasures
  • 3 Outside of Game Monsters

All cards and some of the art was created by me, FinalSB. Special thanks to Jam and Jayseeker for help with some of the art, and to both of them plus Mr_Gordo, Pixelmancer, and OldAbnormalShrimp for help with effects, wording, and playtesting. Some art is from official sources."

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