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Isaactober 2021 Pack

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Introducing the Isaactober 2021 Expansion for Four Souls. The content represented in this expansion is based on Apollyon Woman's Isaactober 2021 Art Challenge.

  • 4 Characters
  • 21 Monsters
  • 5 Treasures
  • 3 Rooms
  • 1 New Optional Bonus Mechanic (Planetarium)
  • Custom Key Term Card
  • Alternate Artworks ( Pick your favorite to print or use in game. )
  • Editable Photoshop files in a different folder in the drive. ( Change the cards as you like. )

Special thanks to Inka, Bob, Pixelo, Flaming Boy, Ezim, Duollahan, and Reiby for their contributions to the pack. Without them, this wouldn't exist.

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