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Lost Cards Finale

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Welcome to the Lost Cards Finale, a Massive Modded Four Souls expansion which adds a ton of new cards based on numerous Binding of Isaac mods, video games, and handful of original designs. (100% more content.) This expansion aims to add more variety, chaos, come backs, choices, and fun to the game for experienced players. Its cards feature custom art by over 70 different artists. We also support custom printing.

Because this expansion is so massive. For custom printing I recommend building a hundred card decks for Monsters, Treasures, and Loots. You can print all characters, starters, rooms, and bonus souls. Links to deck builder for guidelines on deck building.

Key Features

  • 1,176 Cards Total.
  • 41 Character Cards.
  • 42 Starting Item Cards. (Includes an Errata Card of Bag of Crafting from Requiem.)
  • 347 Loot Cards.
  • 306 Treasure Cards.
  • 324 Monster Cards.
  • 24 Room Cards.
  • 3 Bonus Soul Cards.
  • 1 Blue King King Reminder card
  • 89 Cards to represent Tokens (78 of the cards represent Unique Tokens Predefined by the rules).
  • Printable Rule Book PDF file (letter paper) + Google Docs version for CTRL+F navigation.
  • Available on Table Top Simulator steam workshop.
  • Alternate arts available.
  • Get a D4 for D4 rolls.
  • Cards already run through color correction droplet. (Print ready Jpegs zipped)
  • Photoshop files downloadable. (Make many edits you like.)


Lead Designer/Developer: Bustin

Other Designers/Developers: Duollahan, Ezim, HoneyFox, J.D., Minichibis, Peas, Ruddy, Sevenut, and This Guy

Card Artists: Akio, Bøb, Bub, Bustin, Ciirulean, Dr. Papnic, Gummy, Hamberry, Ilu, Inka, IsntJerry, Lambchop, Mitboy, Ozzel, Peas, Pixelo, RedRachis, Reiby, Ruddy, Smug, Tikara, and This Guy

Guest Card Artists (Made fewer than 10 card arts): A Freakin Squid, AL, Apollyon, Baicherra, Big Time Burger Boy, Blargg_, Captainkawaii61, Carmine, Carni, Catnipoverdose, Cometz, Creeps, Darksiders, Dayane, Dicebanned, Dupsy, Elizabeth, Ezim, FlamingBoy, Funk, Fuyucchi, Gabrieluz, Goosecultist, Honeyfox, J.D., Livid, Michael, Neibern, Orisghost, Oroshibu, Palmeri, PCAP, Pearlessence, Peter Koorbusch, Poyo, PunchysOffWorld, Pupzables, Rebuild, Redacted Fiend, RenRen, Rojen, RollyPolly, Rudy Szop, Sendooku, Sevenut, Shynova, Silver, Sined28, Sisi, Squirrel Bomber, Sunil B, Wormboy, and Zota 3 cards feature art by LeatherIceCream, William Burke, and Wuggynaut. (The art was not made for this mod.)

Testers: Bekin, Bustin, Dr Papnic, Duollahan, Ezim, Honeyfox, J.D., Jdude60, Kethik, Reiby, Rolly Polly, Ruddy, Sevenut, Smug, TheGreenDigi, This Guy

Thumbnail Artist: AL

Steam Image Artists: Bustin, Dupsy, and Ruddy

Lost Cards Title Logos: Oroshibu

Table Top Simulator Build Builders: Bustin, HoneyFox, and This Guy

Special Thanks to the folks behind for figuring out color correction for better custom printing. Thanks to This Guy for processing the cards through the color correction droplet for custom printing.

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