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Pachio’s Preposterous Parody

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Do you like four souls? Do you like things? This pack includes four souls cards based on things, including Isaac!

This very cool (not biased) booster pack includes 60+ unique cards that includes very very cool alt arts!!

This pack is in develpment and will be forever (hopefully). At time of release there are:

  • 10 Loot cards
  • 29 Monster cards (including an eternal one!)
  • 18 Treasure cards
  • 4 Room Cards
  • 3 Outside-of-game cards

Thanks to:

  • Conboi for making Isaac's Head alt art.
  • Spaggy for making curse of the lascivious' art.
  • Sir_Volt for making Holy Grail's alt art.
  • Burnt Sushi for making the Bloat's alt art.
  • roboritox for making the Bloat but really it's the duke of flies' alt art.
  • blacknenko for making soul of the Bloated's art.
  • Don Cheto
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