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The Rando Expansion

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The Rando Expansion is a card pack that mainly focuses on Fiend Folio enemies/items, with a few other things from other mods or based on a few of my friends.

This expansion includes:

  • 9 Treasures
  • 9 Characters
  • 15 Monsters
  • 5 Alt Arts

A huge thanks to these people for helping me with some aspect on this project.

  • steve2552
  • Sin
  • Burnt Sushi
  • Pachio
  • Blacknenko
  • Roboritox
  • Sir_Volt
  • steve2552 (again), Reubzzz72, Plum, XanXanniest, orre, Pikaperson, and Aeronaut (used their ocs or Isaac characters)
  • The Four Souls Cod Crew Discord Server
  • Various backgrounds made by Spaggy, Akio, and Reiby
  • squirrelbomber0
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