picture of some cards

Submitting booster packs

If you are a custom card creator, chances are you would like to have your custom cards posted on the booster packs page.


  1. All of your cards need to have bleed zones so users are able to print them.
  2. You must have a minimum amount of cards within a theme, about 8-10 cards should be enough. But I evaluate case by case.

If these two conditions are true, you can message me on discord to ask me to add your pack. In order to post it I need these informations from you:

Booster pack info

  1. Title of the booster pack.
  2. Description content (see other packs for reference).
  3. Public URL (google drive preferred) with the cards.
  4. Which 3 cards to use as preview (left, center, right). I can pick them for you if you wish.


Q: Will I be able to update the booster pack?
A: Yes, the google drive is yours and you can update it as you wish.

Q: Can I change the preview cards/description later?
A: Yes, but for the time being I need to change them for you. So you just inform me of the change and I will make it.

Q: My pack is not finished yet! Should I post it?
A: Feel free to post unfinished packs, as long as the cards in the shared folder are playable.

Q: Should I color correct my cards?
A: It's up to you, but if you do it make sure the corrected cards and original files are well separated in labeled folders.
