picture of some cards

Round #4 Results


Here are the results of our fourth attempt at color matching the cards.

Since the focus for this round was on the backs, we will only focus on those in this post. Cards on the left are official (Unboxing for Loot, Treasure, & Room. Convention for Monster back). Cards on Right are our best from round 4 test prints.

The card backs not in pictures were already in a good place from our previous print, so the additional test changes I made to them aren't worth showing.

The cards are half sleeved with Dragon Shield Clear Mattes. Both pictures of room cards are the same, just oriented differently to show sleeve's effect. Additional picture of test fronts if people are curious to see our abomination cards. Just some eye candy.


Bonus picture: this is an example of what we print to get as much information as possible per card


⚠️ Note: the below observations may differ once Requiem is in hand:

  • Loot: is slightly more aqua. Contrast between whites and light-midtones could be clearer.
  • Monster: color temperature difference, needs to be cooler.
  • Treasure: slightly too generous on reintroducing the greens. Contrasts are looking good.

Now it's a waiting game till Requiem ships to us!
